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首页 > 供应产品 > 亚太种业 小青菜种子 叶菜类种子
亚太种业 小青菜种子 叶菜类种子
产品: 浏览次数:2092亚太种业 小青菜种子 叶菜类种子 
产地: 张掖市
单价: 350.00元/袋
最小起订量: 1 袋
供货总量: 9999 袋
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-01-19 14:37
产地 张掖市
等级 5.0
发芽率 0.85
含水量 0.1
净度 98.0(%)
类别 果蔬类
品种 小青菜
种类 种子
包装方式 袋装
贸易属性 外贸+内贸
分类 地栽苗
发货期限 10天
品牌 亚太种业
生长适温 10-30℃
品种纯度 98.0(%)
繁殖方式 播种苗
百粒重/千粒重 0.3g

甘肃省张掖市亚太种业有限责任公司(筹)建于2006年1月注册资金520万,现资产已达3000万,公司位于甘肃省河西走廊中段。东经100°18′,北纬39°7′,境内地势平坦,平均海拔1200米,土壤肥沃,水源充足,年均日照时数3085小时,年均降水量100-118毫米,无霜期172天,气候干燥,自然隔离条件好,具有得天独厚的种子生产条件,我公司繁育的种子纯度、芽率、含水量、净度、病虫害防治等各方面都达到国际标准。深受国外客商的赞赏! ? 我公司是一家专业代繁蔬菜种子公司,我们有稳定的种子生产繁育基地,甘肃、辽宁、内蒙古、云南等地。公司有10年的蔬菜种子生产繁育经验。现有技术人员58人,其中农艺师5名,种子检验5名,协检员3名,多年从事杂交蔬菜制种生产的技术员45名,河西学院农学系业生10名,公司检验设施完善,拥有美国进口种子精选机二台、比重式种子精选机三台、光照发芽箱四台、水份测定及各类天平等大中型种子精选检验仪器20余件,保温式钢架大棚300栋。 我们每年为日本、美国、荷兰、韩国、台湾等**代繁蔬菜杂交种子及无菌种子生产,我们是专业繁种公司,代繁茄果类.瓜类.花卉.豆类.葱蒜类以及绿叶蔬菜.十字花科等杂交常规种子。我公司承诺为客户严格保密、保护知识产权。本公司代繁种子价格优惠**。望各位种子界朋友洽谈合作。谢谢! COMPANY PROFILE Zhangye **i Seeds Limited Liability Company was founded in January 2006 in ** Province, China, with a registered capital of RMB 5.2 million. Now our total asset has reached up to R.M.B. 30 million. The company's head office is located in the Hexi corridor in the middle of ** province, east longitude 100 ° 18 ', and north latitude 39 °7 '. Its average elevation is about 1200 meters high with very fertile soil and abundance of water supply. It has an average annual sunshine hours of 3085, and an average annual rainfall of 100-118 mm. In general, the frost-free period is 172 days a year. It has a dry climate with favorable natural isolation conditions. Which makes it unique for seed production condition. Our company has a dedicated staff to produce seeds to meet international standards, with high seed purity, germinating rate, low moisture content, and pest & disease free seeds. We have been highly respected and deeply praised by our domestic and international customers. We are a professional vegetable seed production company, and we have stable seed-breeding bases in the provinces like **, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan. The company owns ten-year experience of vegetable seed production, with the joint effort of 58 people including 5 agronomist, 5 seed testing technicians, and 3 seed

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